Shoppers Love This Self-Defense Keychain That They Say Has Saved Their Lives

Jun 16, 2021 | Press

Self-Defense Keychain pepper spray

In this article about the Sabre Red Pepper Spray Keychain, I talk with article author Susan Brickell about the Sabre Red Pepper Spray Keychain and the importance of knowing how to properly use it.

From the article:
So, you’ve got the information you need, and now you might be wondering if carrying pepper spray is a good option. According to Mary Beth Wilkas Janke, speaker, and self-esteem mentor, and author of The Protector: A Woman’s Journey from the Secret Service to Guarding VIPs and Working in Some of the World’s Most Dangerous Places, it could save your life and is a smart idea – with the caveat that you truly know how to use it.

This Happened Podcast features The Protector Mary Beth Wilkas Janke