Mindset Matters

Being a badass is a mindset and that mindset has to be resilient. The secret to a resilient mindset is learning how to master self-talk.

Take Action

Let’s talk about YOU and how you can stop living beige — that boring background color that blends in, that doesn’t stand out. It’s time to start living in color and being more BADASS.

Discover Your Color

So… you follow all the rules, you make decisions based on what others will think, you continue to work a job you are miserable in, you are constantly comparing yourself to others, you don’t ask for what you want because it’s easier to just take what people give you, or you don’t express what you believe in because it might offend other people.

What Is a Narcissist?

At the ease with which the term “narcissist” is being tossed around these days,  half of the people in the United States seem…

Stalking, Its Victims, and Its Effects

January is the 18th annual National Stalking Awareness Month. Legal definitions of stalking vary from one jurisdiction to another, but a good working definition is a pattern of behavior directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear....

The Truth About Personality Disorders | Part 2

Many people who work outside the field of psychology understand mental health challenges as fitting into just one bucket of disorders.

The Truth About Personality Disorders | Part 1

Part 1: What is a Personality Disorder? What I have found over the past few years in talking with friends and family, along with teaching and talking with college students, is that personality disorders are highly misunderstood. I credit mainstream media and Hollywood...

Former Secret Service agent-turned-psychologist shares tips for staying safe today

It’s always a good idea to know how to protect yourself both physically and mentally from violence, danger and fear. But especially in these times of uncertainty, protest and unrest, just knowing you have the tools to respond in the case of a physical or mental...


Throughout my life, particularly after sharing about my professional background and adventures, people (often) shake their heads and say, “You are a BADASS!” I typically laugh, mostly because, well, how else is someone supposed to respond to that?! It’s a little...

Have To vs. Get To

This is Part 2 of my series on Positive Speech. Part 1 – eliminating “I can’t” from your lexicon – was very well received. Just to share one piece of feedback — My friend, Jackie, who happens to be a very successful Blogger, called me and said, “Oh my god, MB, I loved...
Mindset Matters

Mindset Matters

Being a badass is a mindset and that mindset has to be resilient. The secret to a resilient mindset is learning how to master self-talk.

Take Action

Take Action

Let’s talk about YOU and how you can stop living beige — that boring background color that blends in, that doesn’t stand out. It’s time to start living in color and being more BADASS.

Discover Your Color

Discover Your Color

So… you follow all the rules, you make decisions based on what others will think, you continue to work a job you are miserable in, you are constantly comparing yourself to others, you don’t ask for what you want because it’s easier to just take what people give you, or you don’t express what you believe in because it might offend other people.

What Is a Narcissist?

What Is a Narcissist?

At the ease with which the term “narcissist” is being tossed around these days,  half of the people in the United States seem…