Former US Secret Service Agent
Author / Speaker
Self-Esteem Mentor
Dr. of Clinical Psychology

Teaching women how to defy the odds and win in a world full of challenges, risks, and pitfalls.


Sep 15 – 19


The ability to adapt well in the face of trauma, stress, and adversity.

Here’s some good news.

You can improve, increase, and strengthen your resilience at any age!

I’m excited to invite you to join my absolutely FREE 5-day Physical Resilience Challenge, a transformative journey designed to help you cultivate a positive outlook and navigate life’s challenges with confidence.

The Protector The Book

Women who want to excel in work and in life need to read this book…

Former Secret Service agent and current Professor of Forensic and Clinical Psychology, Dr. Mary Beth Wilkas Janke shares her inspiring story of how she redefined what it means to be a successful woman, leader, and bad-ass in a historically male-dominated profession.

In her debut memoir, Dr. Mary Beth provides valuable lessons on building the inner strength, self-esteem, and raw grit required to reach your full potential in your career and life.

Set to the backdrop of private jets, protection details, high-stakes interrogations, and dangerous locations, this is a story of one woman’s extraordinary determination and courage to defy the odds and join the ranks as a highly-respected female member of the Secret Service and private protector of the rich and famous.

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Dr. Mary Beth in protective gear The Protector


I always say: “Tell me I can’t, I shouldn’t, or I’ll never, and I will rise up and show you that I can, I should, and I will always overcome.”

Helping women overcome the fear of not being “good” enough and not having what it takes to achieve their full potential in their careers and in life is a big part of the work I do today.

As one of a small minority of women to become a Special Agent in the Secret Service and, then, as the only woman to ever officially protect a foreign president outside of the U.S., I know what it is to succeed in a world that was never designed for me to make it.

I know what it’s like to feel like the world is against you… like all eyes are on you, just waiting for you to screw up.

You see, women who are high-functioning, powerful, and full of potential often feel very alone. This emotional isolation means they spend a lot of time in their heads, worrying, thinking, and over-analyzing their decisions, their choices, and their lives. They have a burning desire to achieve; yet, they often lack a reliable or trustworthy source of support to help reach their goals.

It’s my mission to become that source of support. So, if you or your team is looking for answers, guidance, or a roadmap for achieving your life and career goals, you’re in the right place.

Dr. Mary Beth in protective gear The Protector


I always say: “Tell me I can’t, I shouldn’t, or I’ll never, and I will rise up and show you that I can, I should, and I will always overcome.”

Helping women overcome the fear of not being “good” enough and not having what it takes to achieve their full potential in their careers and in life is a big part of the work I do today.

As one of a small minority of women to become a Special Agent in the Secret Service and, then, as the only woman to ever officially protect a foreign president outside of the U.S., I know what it is to succeed in a world that was never designed for me to make it.

I know what it’s like to feel like the world is against you… like all eyes are on you, just waiting for you to screw up.

You see, women who are high-functioning, powerful, and full of potential often feel very alone. This emotional isolation means they spend a lot of time in their heads, worrying, thinking, and over-analyzing their decisions, their choices, and their lives. They have a burning desire to achieve; yet, they often lack a reliable or trustworthy source of support to help reach their goals.

It’s my mission to become that source of support. So, if you or your team is looking for answers, guidance, or a roadmap for achieving your life and career goals, you’re in the right place.

Featured In

darling Dr. Mary Beth The Protector
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npr Dr. Mary Beth The Protector
The Protector Free Read
The protector book open

Get a taste of what it’s like to be The Protector; both as a Secret Service Agent and an international Executive Protection Agent in some of the world’s most dangerous places.

The book brings you along on Mary Beth’s journey with behind-the-scenes insights into how she turned every disadvantage, setback, and “I’m not sure I can do this” moment into opportunities. Opportunities that drove her to succeed in two successful careers in the Secret Service and international personal protection, and now as a Forensic and Clinical Psychologist and Professor lecturing at the George Washington University.

If you’ve ever wondered how the %$@*& you’re ever going to have the strength to “make it”, this no-holds-barred memoir is the inspiration you’ve been searching for.

You can download the Prologue of The Protector completely FREE here.

421 reviews
on Amazon

Honest, straightforward and candid account by a true professional

Dr. Wilkas Janke's personal account of her journey as she climbed the ladder of national and international VIP security, taking on every challenge she encountered, not only achieving but highly exceeding each goal is excellent. In a professional field where males outnumber females by a huge percentage Dr. Wilkas Janke not only stood her ground but literally forged the path for not only women but also for men to follow.
One of the many personal attributes that came out in her book, front and center, was the fact Dr. Wilkas Janke never stood behind a feminist shield, she grabbed the standard of professional security and led the way. She took on challenges and when she encountered stumbling blocks she stomped on them and went forward, stronger than before.
As a career (male) security professional, I highly recommend this book, with one caution, the reader will find it almost impossible to put it down!

-Amazon Customer


Every review of this book will say it’s courageous, inspirational, impossible to put down, etc. because it’s simply true. You will not find a more level-headed, devoted, and empathic individual than former US Secret Service Special Agent, freelance Protection Agent, Investigator, Forensic Psychologist, VIP Protection Instructor, Doctor of Clinical Psychology, Psychology Professor, Self-Esteem Mentor, and now Author, Dr. Mary Beth Wilkas Janke. She wears so many hats because there is not a single challenge that she will not fight endlessly for and overcome with remarkable ability. This memoir is captivating, inspiring, VERY entertaining, and more importantly, carries a message that everyone should hear. Mary Beth is a voice for the generations. She is woman, hear her roar.


Incredible Book!!!

Having had the opportunity to learn under Dr. Janke as an undergraduate student I was greatly looking forward to reading this book. From the prologue to the final pages, I struggled to put the book down... probably why I finished it in 3 days. Particularly as a young woman, many of the situations are very easy to relate to, and give a glimpse into the life of a female in the realm of federal law enforcement and protection work. Each adventure and fascinating mission in the book brought new challenges and life lessons, each of which gives the reader a look into Dr. Janke's strong character, passion for her work, and overall kindness and humility. In essence, she's one badass lady. I consider it an honor to have had her as both a professor and a mentor, and highly recommend this memoir. It's both an exciting and awe inspiring read!

-Emily Preston

The astonishing story of a real-life Wonder Woman

Reading about Mary Beth's journey gave me an entirely new perspective on a woman that I respect and admire. I had the privilege of learning from Dr. Janke during my undergraduate career as a psychology student where I experienced first hand her empathetic and caring nature. She created an atmosphere that cultivated exploration in the purest sense and always encouraged us to live our truths. Although I knew Dr. Janke before reading this book, I found this well-written story to be engaging, thrilling, and inspirational. The way she navigates the obstacles set before her with determination and hope truly reminds me, in the same way that she always has, that all one needs to be successful is persistency and the right mindset. The fresh perspective of such a formidably impressive woman offered in this book is one that you don't want to miss. Highly recommend!

-Amazon Customer

If you are looking for a peek into the life of an agent, you have found it.

An unicorn protection agent - bilingual and female with overseas experience - Mary Beth Wilkas first served the United States as Secret Service Agent, protecting the family of President Bush. Mary Beth's career, however, really takes off after leaving the Service and going into private industry where she provided protection and training in a variety of settings including the State Departments Anti-Terrorism Assistance (ATA) Program. This book is a PAGE TURNER. From start to finish. Mary Beth's prose is unadorned and refreshing. No complaints. No excuses. You will be drawn through a fascinating portrait of the life and career of a female agent. I'd love to see this made into an audiobook. It is the perfect road story.

-Emma L Matthews

A goal achieved and then suddenly taken away; recovery, discovery and perseverance.

Mary Beth takes us through her journey to reach a long desired goal of becoming a Federal Agent with the United States Secret Service, only to have a past indiscretion become the basis for questioning her veracity and ultimately for her dismissal. The adage, "When one door closes another door opens," fits Mary Beth who recovers and kicks open the next doors in her path, making her way nationally and internationally into the specialized field of personal and physical security as a female pioneer; trail blazing and earning an enviable reputation as not only a protector, but also as a security analyst and Antiterrorism expert. The book is an enjoyable and fascinating read, laced with humor, self deprecation and honesty. I've worked with the author and she is a true professional.

-Donald E.

A Page Turner!

I loved that this is a story of setbacks and triumphs. Due to the way Mary Beth viewed things in her life, she rose to challenges most people would not have dared, especially women. She writes about these challenges and how they motivated her to do things that seemed impossible. She did not let perceived setbacks get her down. She used them as learning opportunities. I enjoyed the details of a career in government and international protection and then the down to earth nature of her upbringing with a large family in a Chicago suburb. I loved how honest Mary Beth is in this biography. Her story is exciting, dangerous at more points than I would like to know and intriguing. This is a GREAT read for anyone! I highly recommend this book.

-Maria Nowicki

Wonder Woman

What an inspiration. As a movie fan: When does production start? Bond. Mary Beth Bond. No. Wait. She’s better than Bond. She’s a real person. This is a best seller. No. Wait it’s a textbook. Women, girls and men who want to excel need to read this book. No. Wait. It’s not a book. It’s a story. A true story. Wow! I’m out of breath.
Thank you!

-Dennis Mazzeri

Engaging, couldn’t put it down!

I feel overwhelmed and humbled by Mary Beth’s narrative and recounting of her journey. I know her personally. I always understood bits and pieces however, admittedly, never pieced together her entire story. Thoroughly engaging from start to finish...... and so totally her.... I chuckled many times just knowing how the words come out of her mouth, the intonation of her voice and the smile on her face. I have nothing but the deepest respect for all her guts, accomplishments and determination. My hats off to you, Mary Beth ! Amazingly well done. I enjoyed every single word on every single page...... Now when is the sequel coming out????? LOL!!!!!


Truly Inspirational

Mary Beth Janke's memoir pulled me in from the very beginning. I was unable to put her book down as one exciting adventure proceeded another. She is at the very least to say, a badass and an inspiration to me. Get ready to be thrilled and captivated from the start!

-Lauren Smith

Amazing book about an inspiring individual

I downloaded this book yesterday and haven’t been able to put it down. This is an amazing story about working hard and fighting for what you believe in, and dealing with adversity every step of the way with a positive outlook. Mary Beth is a bad ass to say the least, and stronger than anyone I know (mentally and physically). A must read.
